WordPress comes with its own cron job that allows you to schedule your posts and events., WordPress cron is a system that has a set of tasks, each with a time when it needs to be executed. […]

WordPress comes with its own cron job that allows you to schedule your posts and events., WordPress cron is a system that has a set of tasks, each with a time when it needs to be executed. […]
We are seeing a lot of WordPress wp-login.php brute force attack these days. In this tutorial I will explain how to stop wp-login.php attack on a cPanel server.You can also simply install any WordPress security plugin to stop brute force attack. […]
By default Apache loads number of modules which probably you do not need. If you’re running mostly WordPress based websites on your VPS / Server, you can consider disabling un-needed Apache modules. this can save numerous memory and optimize server. […]
Lots of WordPress websites are getting regular wp-login.php brute force attack. This also causes high CPU and memory usage on server. So it is highly recommend for WordPress websites administrator to change wp-login.php url to improve WordPress website security. […]
Web admins used Captcha protection to protect their sites from various type of spam and even brute-force attacks. ReCAPTCHA have reformed the spam security since Google released it. This protection mechanism is one of the best and suitable for each website. Web-Masters are allowed to put the ReCAPTHA field in any form they need to […]
Clients that originally designed their websites with Google Blogger (Blogspot) can have the blog details imported into their WordPress application by using the “Import” function in the WordPress dashboard. WordPress has a built in “Import” function that allows you to transfer different blogs like Blogspot,LiveJournal, and even WordPress. The transfer procedure is the same for […]
In this article, we will explain you how to enable https in WordPress, so you can connect to your website securely over SSL. Login to your WordPress dashboard. […]
If you’ve encountered issues trying to update WordPress, you can simply follow the steps below to resolve them. Open your wp-config.php file with the cPanel file manager and increase your WordPress memory limit. Include the following line in the “define” section: […]
If you have set up WordPress on a sub directory and you need to shift it to the primary domain, then you can follow the actions described below, Login to the cPanel of the domain. […]
Sometimes when try to login to your WordPress admin panel get the error message: [wpfmb type=’warning’ theme=2]SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don’t have. Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.[/wpfmb] […]