The traditional way for a email customer system to deliver e-mail is using TCP port 25, which is also the port used by email web servers to discuss to each other. But port 25 is commonly misused by viruses to distribute viruses and junk. As a result, many ISPs are reducing its use. Most customers […]
Posts by cmab:
How to create Skeleton Directory
The Skeleton Directory is that directory example that’s use to produce all new accounts. Any files that are placed within the skeleton directory are automatically traced into new accounts. for instance, if you place an index.html into the /public_html/ folder of your skeleton directory, all new accounts can automatically include that file into their /public_html/ […]
How to test mail from windows command prompt (cmd)
Some times we have to see how a remote mail server responding to SMTP connection from our Plesk server. Yes! logs are always there to see whats going on, but using telnet seems very handy to me. It takes less time than scanning logs and lets use of mouse too Lets use as example […]
How to Fix cPanel/WHM Quotas
Cpanel/WHM typically has issues with the user quota files inflicting all users accounts to possess unlimited disc space out there or zero megs of disc space in use. This clearly confuses your customers and does not show a true illustration of actual disc space being used by your clients. This guide can take you thru […]
HTTP error 401:cgi/addon_cxs.cgi
WHM is configured to disallow execution of unregistered applications when logged in as root or a reseller with the “all” ACL. To enable this functionality you must do one of the following: Register this addon using /usr/local/cpanel/bin/register_appconfig (, Enable the “Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as […]
Horde webmail error message: sent message cannot be saved
Once sending mail from inside horde, the subsequent error message might appear: The folder “Sent” was not created. This is what the server said: Client tried to access nonexistent namespace. (Mailbox name should probably be prefixed with: INBOX.) To deal with this, select Options from the top menu bar, and then Personal information. At the […]
Fixing Mail Permissions in WHM
Occasionally, mailboxes on your server will become corrupted or have incorrect permissions, leading to mail being rejected for that account. We faced this situation while migrating 100+ accounts; every migration hanged on step “fixing mail permissions”. WHM includes a feature that permits you to examine your server’s mail system and decide to repair any discrepancies […]
Sometimes it is not possible to access Parallels Plesk Panel. Browser displays following error: [box style=’error’]ERROR: SWKeyExFatalError xmlrpc error: Expected <param> to have 1 children, found 0 0: common_func.php3:4524 of_get_key_by_product(string ‘plesk-win’) 1: common_func.php3:4524 getPleskKey() 2: common_func.php3:4603 getKeyProp(string ‘demo’) 3: auth.php3:54[/box] The above error seems that registry.xml file may have gone corrupted. Resolution of above error […]
How to list all root users on cPanel servers
There are situations (especially after a hacking attempt, or when you find something specious in rKhunter) when you need to know if there are any other user with root privileges. There are three commands that you must run in such situations. Check if an unwanted user is member of root group. [box style=’note’] grep root […]

How to repair crashed tables through phpMyAdmin
I have previously written a blog post repairing mysql database from ssh. As many of us use shared hosting and do not have access to ssh, so here is how you can do it from phpmyadmin. MySQL is a stable software application but there might be several reasons for eg. , simple power failure or hardware problem that […]