Plesk Error: “The domain is still suspended for the following reason: Domain is expired”

If your web page is offline and when try to unsuspend through the Plesk control panel you may be receiving the following message by email: [box style=’error’] Error: The subscription is still suspended due to the following reason: The subscription is suspended because its subscriber was suspended. [/box] This happens because the domain was set to […]

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How to recover canceled subscription

Some of our server still run on Plesk version 10.4.I am writing today about “how to restore a canceled subscription”. The chance to re-activate the canceled subscription relies on the current status. There are two possibilities. If subscription status is Terminated/Removed or Canceled/Removed, there is no way to recover it. As in this case it […]

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Recover Plesk admin password on Linux

To recover your Plesk admin password on Linux Log in to your Plesk server via SSH as “root” and run the following management to find your Plesk management password: [box style=’info’] cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow [/box] [box style=’note’]As of Parallels Plesk Panel version 10.2, the management for protection security password restoration is as follows: [/box] [box style=’info’] /usr/local/psa/bin/admin –show-password [/box] […]

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