You may check the current Horde mail version through following location. [box style=’note’] /var/cpanel/horde/version [/box] If you have an access to the server then you may login to SSH and go to the above path to check the Horde mail version. […]
Posts by cmab:
Turn off bandwidth monitoring
To disable the bandwidth monitoring module in cPanel do the following: [box style=’note’] Go to WHM >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager. [/box] Search for ‘cPBandwd’. You will see a check box unchecked that . Click save and that should be it. […]
Using .htaccess to block an IP address
You can use .htaccess file in order to prevent an access to your webpage from specific IP. A .htaccess is a kind of settings file that can be used for things like establishing password-protected directories and to reduce accessibility based on IP. What other things you can do with .htaccess file, read my posts here. […]
How to Manage Multiple Domains from a Single Hosting Account:
Handling several domains from a single website hosting account is relatively easy but will require you to properly set up some DNS configurations and create add-on domains. What is an addon domain? Addon domains are a kind of virtual hosting that enable you to manage multiple websites from one hosting account. Addon domains share the […]
Pointing two URLs to one website
Directing two URLs to the same web page is a excellent way to divert visitors to your website from several different domains. You can do this in two ways […]
How to disable mail service in Plesk
Our client has transferred his mail service to a third party server like the one using Google apps,MX records points to another server.We need to disable the Parallel Plesk Panel email service for this domain to avoid the local delivery. Following is the procedure to disable mail service. Login to your control panel. Select the […]
Plesk Error: “The domain is still suspended for the following reason: Domain is expired”
If your web page is offline and when try to unsuspend through the Plesk control panel you may be receiving the following message by email: [box style=’error’] Error: The subscription is still suspended due to the following reason: The subscription is suspended because its subscriber was suspended. [/box] This happens because the domain was set to […]
How to recover canceled subscription
Some of our server still run on Plesk version 10.4.I am writing today about “how to restore a canceled subscription”. The chance to re-activate the canceled subscription relies on the current status. There are two possibilities. If subscription status is Terminated/Removed or Canceled/Removed, there is no way to recover it. As in this case it […]
Recover Plesk admin password on Linux
To recover your Plesk admin password on Linux Log in to your Plesk server via SSH as “root” and run the following management to find your Plesk management password: [box style=’info’] cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow [/box] [box style=’note’]As of Parallels Plesk Panel version 10.2, the management for protection security password restoration is as follows: [/box] [box style=’info’] /usr/local/psa/bin/admin –show-password [/box] […]
Mail server does not work How to repair mail server configuration?
We use mail enable professional at our windows server with plesk. plesk comes with mail enable standard, which does have a web interface. We upgrade it to mailenable professional. Almost everyday, we receive one query with one of following commands. [box style=’doc’] 1. POP and I MAP giving wrong password error. [/box] [box style=’doc’] 2. User is […]