How to Run Scripts at startup?

Scripts are required to run upon startup on occasion. It is a good option to automate operations like performing updates, installing packages, or even setting default routes. We’ll create a new service and run a custom bash script to set static routes in a VPS. Your script can do anything as long as it’s written […]

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How to Block all ports in IPtables

We’ve included an example of one of the most common iptables configurations. Except for particular ports, we will block all connections. To begin, we’ll erase all present iptables rules to eliminate any errors caused by the prior configuration. SSH into your server as root and run the following commands: iptables -t filter -F  iptables -t […]

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How to Check if IP is blocked from IPtables

Iptables is an application that uses policy chains to allow or block traffic using the IP packet filter rules of the Linux kernel firewall. For example, to secure your server workloads, you can install this firewall on your Linux Dedicated or Virtual Server. If a user tries to connect to your server using SSH, iptables […]

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