Easy 68 step checklist to secure & harden your WHM/cPanel server

I have written this checklist to secure your newly installed cPanel server. We will keep improving it over time, by adding in details for each point.
To harden your cPanel server can be split into six areas.

Server security overall (not very much related to cPanel)

Server Check (13 steps)

  1. Secure temp folder, Check /tmp permissions
    /tmp should be chmod 1777
  2. Check /tmp ownership
    /tmp should be owned by root:root
  3. Check the permission of tmp folder in /var > /var/tmp
    /var/tmp should be chmod 1777
  4. Check the ownership of tmp folder in /var > /var/tmp
    /var/tmp should be owned by root:root
  5. Check permission of /tmp folder within /user > /usr/tmp
    /usr/tmp should be chmod 1777
  6. Check ownership of tmp folder within user folder > /usr/tmp
    /usr/tmp should be owned by root:root
  7. Check for DNS random query source port
    ISC recommends that you do not configure BIND to use a static query port. You should remove/disable the
    query-source line that specifies port 53 from the named configuration files
  8. Check nobody cron
    Check for cron You have a nobody cron log file – you should check that this has not been created by an
  9. Check Perl version
    The version of Perl (v5.032000) is out of date, and you should upgrade it.
  10. Check SUPERUSER accounts
    You have accounts other than root set up with UID 0. This is a considerable security risk. You should use
    su, or best of all, sudo for such access
  11. Check for dhclient
    In a standard hosting environment, DHCP is no longer needed. Infect it hinders badly with cPanel standard
    hosting operations. In a shared hosting server, this setting poses a security risk. You should configure all
    network cards with static IPs.
  12. Check for swap file
    Swap files are necessary for any server, as it is used when RAM runs out. Do not have a swap file is a
    performance and stability risk. Make sure your server has a swap file configured, preferably a dedicated
    partition for it. How to create a swap file, we have written a tutorial for it. << link >>create
    a swap file on the existing partition for the Cpanel server
  13. Check server services
    The following services come with all cPanel servers by default but are not needed at all by almost all the
    shared hosting servers.
    Each service can usually be disabled using:
    /bin/systemctl stop [service]
    /bin/systemctl disable [service]

SSH/Telnet Check (7 Steps)

  1. Check if SSHv1 is disabled
    SSHv1 is long gone, make sure it is disabled from /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting:Protocol 2
  2. Move SSH on a non-standard port (other than 22)
    Almost all password brute force attacks are made on a standard ssh port. You should consider moving SSH
    to a non-standard port. If you are using a firewall, open your new port in the firewall to avoid locking
    yourself out. Here is in detail how to change your SSH port.
  3. Check SSH PasswordAuthentication
    This is recommended but could be hard to practice if you do not use a password manager. By using this
    option, chances to get nailed by a brute force attack reach zero. To do it, disable
    PasswordAuthentication and only allow access with PubkeyAuthentication
  4. Check SSH UseDNS
    You need to disable UseDNS by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting: UseDNS no. With this enabled,
    lfd will be unable to track SSHD login failures, successfully as the log files will not report IP
  5. Disable telnet, make sure port 23 is not in use
    Telnet is an insecure protocol, and it is not needed by most shared hosting servers. You should disable
    the telnet daemon if it is running.
  6. Check shell limits/ enable Shell Fork Bomb Protection
    DOS exploits often can very easily take of server resources with shell access is not well configured.
    cPanel has given a very good way to mitigate such problems. Use WHM options to enable “Shell Fork Bomb
  7. Enable Background Process Killer
    Another good tool provided by cPanel, All options You should be enabled in WHM > “Background Process

Mail Check (4 Steps)

  1. Check root email forwarder
    The root email must have a forwarder, so you, as the server admin, receive all critical server emails.
  2. Exim for extended logging for tracking SPAM (log_selector)
    If you want to track and catch spam, you must enable exim extend logging. to do that, in “Exim Configuration
    Manger” > “Advanced Editor” > log_selector add log_selector = +arguments +subject +received_recipients
  3. Check weak SSL/TLS Ciphers in exim config (tls_require_ciphers)
    Cipher list
    Due to weaknesses in the SSLv2 cipher, you should disable WHM > Exim Configuration Manager > Allow
    weak SSL/TLS ciphers to be used, and also ensure tls_require_ciphers in /etc/exim.conf does not allow SSLv2
    as OpenSSL currently shows that it does
  4. Check exim for secure authentication
    You should require clients to connect with SSL or issue the STARTTLS command before they are allowed to
    authenticate with the server otherwise, passwords may be sent in plain text in WHM > Exim Configuration
    Manager Check dovecot weak SSL/TLS Ciphers (ssl_cipher_list)

    Cipher list

    DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 ].
    Due to weaknesses in the SSLv2 cipher, you should disable SSLv2 in WHM > Mailserver Configuration >
    SSL Cipher List > Remove +SSLv2 or Add -SSLv2

Apache Check (9 Steps)

  1. Check apache version
    The minimum apache version you should be using is v2.2*, which is the minimum recommended by the apache
  2. Check Apache for ModSecurity
    If you are running a shared hosting server, ModSecurity is a must-have. If you have not compiled Apache with
    it, recompile it with the ModSecurity option. It prevents the exploitation of vulnerable web scripts.
  3. Check Apache for mod_cloudflare 
    This module logs the real user’s IP address to Apache. A must-have as more and more users are moving to
  4. Check Apache for FrontPage 
    Microsoft Frontpage Extensions were EOL in 2006, and there is no support for bugs or security issues. It is
    a huge security risk, and nobody uses it nowadays.
  5. Check Apache weak SSL/TLS Ciphers (SSLCipherSuite) 
    Cipher list
    TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ]. 
    Due to known and well-exploited weaknesses in the SSLv2 cipher, you as a server admin should avoid using it. to do that disable SSLv2 in WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > SSLCipherSuite > and then Add -SSLv2 to SSLCipherSuite and/or remove +SSLv2. After it, you need to save and rebuild the configuration and then restart Apache.
  6. Disable Apache for TraceEnable 
    You should disable TraceEnable in:

    WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > Trace Enable > Off
    Again to make these changes take effect, click rebuild apache configuration and then restart it. As any changes made to httpd.conf will not take effect with doing this.

  7. Disable apache ServerSignature 
    You should set apache ServerSignature to Off in:

    WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > Server Signature > Off
    As usual, save, rebuild configuration, and restart Apache.

  8. Set Apache for ServerTokens appropriately 
    Set Apache ServerTokens to ProductOnly, to do that:

    WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > Server Tokens > Product Only.
    Save, rebuild configuration, and restart Apache.

  9. Check Apache for FileETag 
    FileETag should always be set to None for shared hosting servers. to do that
    WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > File ETag > None. and then save, rebuild configuration and restart apache.

PHP Check (4 Steps)

  1. Check PHP version
    Any version of PHP older than v7.2.* is now obsolete and should be considered a security threat. You should upgrade exclusively to PHP v7.3+:
  2. Check php for enable_dl or disabled dl()
    To prevent your users from loading PHP modules that would affect all other users, you need to set:
    enable_dl = Off

    All necessary dynamic libraries should be loaded directly in the PHP configuration.

  3. Disable dangerous PHP functions
    There are PHP functions that are rarely used by the common application, wordpress, Joomla, Moodle, etc., but often exploited by hackers. The most common of these functions are as listed below. Disable them in php.ini file
    disable_functions = show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, popen, proc_open
  4. Check PHP for register_globals
    You should set:register_globals = Off
    It is not needed nowadays and should only be enabled until it is absolutely necessary. It is such a significant security risk that it should be evaluated carefully against benefits.

WHM Settings Check (32 Steps)

  1. Check cPanel login is SSL only (Must have)
    In tweak settings, choose the option
    WHM > Tweak Settings > “Choose the closest matched domain for which the system has a valid certificate when redirecting from non-SSL to SSL URLs”
  2. Check boxtrapper is disabled
    Boxtrapper is a good feature, and in the past, it has been used very well, but with the emergence of new spam avoiding techniques, it is no longer relevant. It can lead to your server being listed in common RBLs. The ultimate effect of it can be an increase in overall spam load instead of decreasing it. In my opinion, it will soon be removed from future WHM/cPanel versions. You should disable it without a thought.
    to do that, in WHM > Tweak Settings > BoxTrapper Spam Trap
  3. Disable GreyListing
    Gray listing will delay necessary emails to be delayed for hours, at least when your server receives from a certain domain/ server for the first time. This results in increased support load and often leads to lost legitimate emails.
    Other than the above problems, it also, at times, cause problems with “password verification” systems.
  4. Check if popbeforesmtp is disabled
    Many server admins will not agree to it, as if enabled, it offers smooth email connections for outlook users of all versions. For other admins and for me too, using “pop before SMTP” is a security risk. SMTP AUTH option should be used in lieu of it.
    You should disable it in WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow users to relay mail if they use an IP address through which someone has validated an IMAP or POP3 login”
  5. Check max emails per hour is set
    This is the ultimate solution to not get your IPs listed in RBLs. By limiting maximum emails a Cpanel account can send in one hour, you certainly limit the damage by potential spammers on the server,
    To set a value, goto WHM > Tweak Settings > Max hourly emails per domain
  6. Check Reset Password for cPanel accounts
    I believe this cannot be implemented for a shared environment, as end-users will need it. But with some users who cannot protect their accounts, this poses a potential security risk and should be disabled unless necessary in
    WHM > Tweak Settings > Reset Password for cPanel accounts.
  7. Check Reset Password for Subaccounts
    This poses a potential security risk and should be disabled unless necessary in WHM > Tweak Settings > Reset Password for Subaccounts.
  8. Check compilers
    Compilers are a known security risk since the early days of cPanel; You should disable compilers WHM > Security Center > Compilers Access
  9. Check to allow remote domains
    Users can park domains that resolve to other servers on this server. Only domains that resolve to your server should be parked.
    This can be disabled in WHM > Tweak Settings > Allow Remote Domain
  10. Check block common domains
    Users can park common domain names on this server. This can easily aid in phishing attacks.
    Disable it in WHM > Tweak Settings > Prevent cPanel users from creating specific domains
  11. Check allow park domains
    Users can park/addon domains that belong to other users on this server. Again there is no practical use of this functionality for server admins who manage shared servers.
    Disable this option in
    WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow cPanel users to create subdomains across accounts”
  12. Check proxy subdomains
    This option can mask a user’s real IP address and hinder security. You should disable
    WHM > Tweak Settings > Service subdomains
  13. Check cPAddons update email to resellers
    You should have cPAddons email users if cPAddon installations require updating WHM > Tweak Settings > “Notify reseller of cPAddons Site Software installations”
  14. Check cPAddons update email to root
    You should have cPAddons email root if cPAddon installations require updating WHM > Tweak Settings > Notify root of cPAddons Site Software installations
  15. Check cPanel tree
    Running EDGE/BETA on a production server could lead to server instability. Only run stable cPanel releases
  16. Check accounts that can access a cPanel user
    You should consider setting this option to “user” after use. WHM > Tweak Settings > Accounts that can access a cPanel user account.
  17. Check cPanel passwords in email
    You should not send passwords out in plain text emails. You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > Send passwords when creating a new account
  18. Check core dumps
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > Allow WHM/Webmail/cPanel services to create core dumps for debugging purposes
  19. Check Cookie IP Validation
    You should enable strict Cookie IP validation in WHM > Tweak Settings > Cookie IP validation
  20. Check MD5 passwords with Apache
    You should enable WHM > Tweak Settings > Use MD5 passwords with Apache
  21. Check Referrer Blank Security
    Blank referrer security check must be enabled to enable it go to
    WHM > Tweak Settings > Blank referrer safety check
  22. Check Referrer Security
    Again like blank referrer security, it is a must-have.
    Enable it in WHM > Tweak Settings > Referrer safety check
  23. Check HTTP Authentication
    You should disable skiphttpauth in /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
  24. Check Parent Security
    There is no need to allow other applications to run cPanel binaries unless you are doing some custom cPanel stuff for auto-deployment within your own applications.
    You should disable
    WHM > Tweak Settings > Allow other applications to run the cPanel and admin binaries
  25. Check Domain Lookup Security
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > cpsrvd username domain lookup
  26. Check Password ENV variable
    You should enable WHM > Tweak Settings > Hide login password from cgi scripts
  27. Check SMTP Restrictions
    You should enable WHM > Security Center > SMTP Restrictions. If you are using CSF firewall, then it can be disabled safely as it is replaced with csf configuration option SMTP_BLOCK instead
  28. Check AppConfig Required
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as a reseller in WHM”
  29. Check AppConfig as root
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as root or a reseller with the “all” ACL in WHM”
  30. Check AppConfig ACLs
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as root or a reseller with the “all” ACL in WHM”
  31. Check AppConfig Feature List
    You should disable WHM > Tweak Settings > “Allow cPanel and Webmail apps registered with AppConfig to be executed even if a Required Features list has not been defined”
  32. Check Security Tokens
    Security Tokens should not be disabled as, without them, the security of WHM/cPanel is compromised. The setting disable-security-tokens=0 should be set in /var/cpanel/cpanel.config