Account Creation Status: failed (Sorry, a mysql user with the name * already exists).

Usually this happens if you terminated a cpanel account and trying to restore it from backup but somehow the MySQL user was not deleted properly. You get this error: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Account Creation Status: failed (Sorry, a MySQL user with the name test356 already exists.)Account Restore Failed.[/wpfmb] Solution :  Try deleting the mentioned user. mysql mysql > use mysql; […]

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Some of our users can’t connect to their Webmail: When they click on RoundCube , they get this: DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please contact your server-administrator. Most probably, its an issue with the databases associated with roundcube, First step is to update Roundcube using the below command: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube –force If its […]

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cPanel Internal Server Error open3: fork failed: Cannot allocate memory at cpsrvd-ssl

If you see the below error on your VPS or WHM: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]cPanel Internal Server Error open3: fork failed: Cannot allocate memory at cpsrvd-ssl[/wpfmb] To fix the above error try increasing memory for cPanel from WHM >> “Tweak Settings” and see if the problem resolved. If sill facing error you may execute the following command to […]

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