There may be some times you forgot your root password and want to reset.So here is the guide to reset your root password in CentOS 7. To achieve this you have to boot your system in single user mode. […]

There may be some times you forgot your root password and want to reset.So here is the guide to reset your root password in CentOS 7. To achieve this you have to boot your system in single user mode. […]
In this tutorial, I will guide you step by step how to install and setup Ajaxplorer file manager on zPanel CP.Before proceeding further I am assuming here that you have already setup zPanel on your VPS.If you don’t have an idea about it you can read my previous article on how to install zpanel on […]
In this post i will show you the easiest way to install exim on CentOS by using the ATRPMS repository: yum install -y After that: yum install exim That’s all. […]
In this tutorial I will guide, how to install Varnish 4 version on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.Varnish is a frontend web proxy and cache, designed to improve performance for busy, dynamic web sites. By redirecting traffic to static pages whenever possible, varnish reduces the number of dynamic page calls, also reduce the load. […]
This article will guide about how to use Vesta CP to host a website on a VPS. Previously we have learned how it is easy to install VestaCP on a VPS. At first login to your Vesta control panel You can use your VPS IP with port 8083 Use your admin username and password […]
Previously, I posted about how to install zPanel, Now I came up with VestaCP a free hosting control panel which includes almost all features of zpanel plus Nginix and Varnish cache out of the box.Vesta CP is a Russian-made free hosting control panel with a bunch of awsome features. This article will guide you to […]
Within this new version, the way to install Zpanel is simpler than its previous version. I have already write an article about it. Now to install zPanelX v10.1.1, login to your VPS as root and simply issue below command. The below command will download and execute zPanel installer script: […]
In this tutorial we will guide you how to install and set up zPanel on centOS 6 VPS. If you want a free Control Panel for your VPS which is very easy to use and user friendly, then zPanel is preferable. […]
In this article we assume that you are using cPanel on your server/machine and want to disable exim service for long time. Mostly it happens that we stop the service and get shocked when we see it back up and running after several minutes. […]
Sometimes we have been looked out of WordPress installation but have access to the database.So here is a way to create a WordPress user with administrator-level access. […]