How to Install IonCube Loaders in Linux System

IonCube are used as encryption/decryption utility for PHP programs by which we can keep secure our information. It also can limit PHP program to perform illegal. It also helps in boosting up the webpages that are provided. IonCube loaders are used for decoding secured information files while operating on web server.

Step 1: Download IonCube Loaders

Use following command to download Ioncube loader.

For 32bit Systems:
# wget
For 64bit Systems:
# wget

After downloading IonCube loaders archive file, extract it and place it to a permanent folder.

# tar xzf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz
# mv ioncube /usr/local/

Step 2: Enable IonCube Loader in PHP

Now add the following line at the end of php.ini file . To find php.ini file you can use following command:

php -i | grep php.ini

As per above output edit php.ini file and add following file and the end of file.

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/

You can replace /usr/local/ioncube/ file with your matching PHP version file.

Step 3: Verify IonCube Loader

After installing ioncube, we create a php script (phpinfo.php) using following content and access on webpage.


Now when you access your created php script in web browser and you will find that IonCube loaders are enabled in your php installation.