Error “Frame is Blocked Because of Insecure Content”

When we browse the web with our Google chrome, sometimes we fall into a annoying SSL problem.

This frame was blocked because it contains some insecure content.


Open the URL in Chrome >> right click on the error page >> 

1 ) Click on View Frame Source. After loading the frame source, close the frame source page.
2 ) When loading the frame source if it shows warning, click “proceed anyway”.
3 ) Back to your error frame’s page and reload it.


Go to the tools tab in the Google Chrome browser. Click on “Options“. Select the tab “Under the Hood“. On the bottom of the options, check the option Use SSL 2.0/3.0and make sure “Check for server certification revocation” is unchecked.

Further click on the “Manage certificates” button in the same tab under Security and under the default Personal tab click on the Advanced button on the right side. Un-check Server Authentication and press OK.

Your problem should be resolved now.