SED provides an effective and a flexible way of removing one or more lines from a specific file to suit the needs of the user. This Linux command is used for command line handling. […]
Posts by cmab:
Disable ping response in Linux system
Usually ping is a small packet sent to a machine to check if machine is up. The ping response from an IP indicates the machine is up. You may want to disable ping replies for many reasons, may be for a security reason, or to avoid network congestion. […]

How to Upload Large Images in WordPress
Recently, one of our users getting error when uploading large images in WordPress. Many users face this error when trying to upload larger images in WordPress. It happens due to the file size limit. In this article, we will guide you how to fix this and upload large images in WordPress. […]

How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 14.04
Node.js is a Javascript programming platform that allows users to build network applications very easily. Many developers want to build applications and libraries using JavaScript (server-side and client-side). In this guide, we’ll show you how to get started with Node.js on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. First of all make sure that all packages are up […]

How To Fix Yum Duplicate Packages or Broken Dependencies
We’ve been running CentOS 6.x for a couple of years on our VPS and yesterday began a standard yum update, the process failed with many duplicated packages and dependency errors or conflicts. In this post, I will describe under what situations yum errors can occur, and how to fix them. […]

Install PrestaShop on a CentOS VPS
PrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce application which allows you to maintain your own online store. It is very easy to use as well as very easy to install. In this article we will show you how to install and configure Prestashop on your CentOS VPS. […]
How to hide PHP version in Linux
Most of the web server software has been installed with default settings that will lead to information leakage. One of them is a PHP software. Later this information can be used by hackers to try to exploit any vulnerabilities in the PHP version you are running, especially if you are running an older version with […]

How to disable SELinux on CentOS:
By default, when we installed the Linux, The SELinux service is enabled, Some software’s do not support SELinux, So we need to disable or turn off the SELinux config. In this article we will show you how to disable SELinux on CentOS. […]

How to Install FFMPEG on CentOS Web Panel
In this tutorial we will learn how to install ffmpeg on CentOs Web Panel. Before we proceed further we need to make some changes in file as php extension directory is not defined in it. Also we need to create directory manually. […]

How to Install Webuzo on CentOS
In this tutorial we will guide you how to install and configure Webuzoree control panel on your CentOS server. Webuzo is a web-based single user control panel for VPS or Dedicated server and one of the best free alternates to the CPanel. Webuzo installation includes LAMP stack which saves us the time and the most […]