Sometimes we want to re-add the domain that we have remove earlier,For this we have to check our DNS Zone file, domainusers file, trueuserdomains file, and trueuserowners file.
Remove the Cpanel User Account:
userdel -r username groupdel groupname Delete the /var/cpanel/users/username file nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf remove the site VirtualHost entry
Remove the domain from file as below:
/var/named/[domain_name].db (If you used DNS Only cPanel, you may remove zone through WHM). /etc/userdomains /etc/trueuserdomains /etc/trueuserowners /etc/named.conf edit /etc/named.conf to remove the domain from BIND /etc/localdomains
Once all of the above entries removed, you would be able to re-add your domain name again through cPanel.