How to Change php handler from cpanel/whm

To change php handler from cpanel/whm you need to search for the option “Configure PHP and suEXEC” from whm. Home »Service Configuration »Configure PHP and suEXEC You can now see the current configuration of php from the window under the “Current Configuration” option,There are 3 drop down boxes in the  “Alter Configuration” here you can change the php handler by […]

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Install maldet malware scan on server

You can install maldet malware scan on Linux server by following the below steps, Go to, /usr/local/src/ Download the tarfile using the command below, wget Now extract the file , tar -xvf maldetect-current.tar.gz Change the directory where extracted files located, cd maldetect-1.4.2 Install the maldet using the script, ./ Maldet will be successfully installed […]

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How to Disable Cpanellogd in server

Create the file “/etc/cpanellogddisable”, It will disable cpanellogd: touch /etc/cpanellogddisable After disabling cpanellogd, you’ll need to kill the current processes of cpanellogd: ps aux | grep cpanellogd kill -9 PID Also you should need to move the following files: mv /usr/local/cpanel/cpanellogd /usr/local/cpanel/cpanellogd.bkp mv /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/cpanellogd /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/cpanellogd.bkp After doing these all, cpanellogd won’t be there on your […]

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