Enabling zipped mysql dump support for phpmyadmin

In phpmyadmin, while importing a zipped database you might get a error as follows: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (application/zip). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration. Enable .zip file import from cPanel phpmyadmin[/wpfmb] This error happens generally as there is no zip support allowed […]

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Error in system filter: failed to open filter log file “/var/log/filter.log”

We were facing the following mentioned error for emails on the server and the emails were discarded with following message. [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Error in system filter: failed to open filter log file “/var/log/filter.log”: Permission denied (euid=506 egid=559)[/wpfmb] The Above mentioned error is basically due to improper ownership assigned to the file “/var/log/filter.log” . […]

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Error:no version information available (required by php)

I was facing following error when I was trying to view the php version on the server: root@server [~]# php -v [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]php: /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.15: version`libmysqlclient_15′ not found (required by php) php: /opt/xml2/lib/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by php) php: /opt/xml2/lib/libxml2.so.2: no version information available (required by php) php: /opt/xml2/lib/libxml2.so.2: no version information available […]

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rndc: connect failed: connection refused

Your servers named service may go unresponsive with the following error logs: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2][root@server ~]# service named restart Stopping named: …………………………………….[FAILED] Starting named: named: already running                     [FAILED] rndc: connect failed: connection refused[/wpfmb] For solution check the file /etc/sysconfig/named. You can locate the following line: ROOTDIR=”/var/named/chroot/” Comment the above statement #ROOTDIR=”/var/named/chroot/” Now restart the named […]

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There was an error manipulating the password file. This generally means you entered your old password incorrectly.

For some reasons when you try to change any password via cPanel, such as MySQL, FTP and password to cPanel, Get this error every time: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]There was an error manipulating the password file. This generally means you entered your old password incorrectly.[/wpfmb] Even if you confirm the old password is correct, still you might face this […]

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Problem with Roundcube

We were experiencing the following error with Roundcube: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Unexpected condition from IMAP server, closed or corrupt connection to IMAP. Possible mailbox corruption.[/wpfmb] Even the IMAP service on the server is running good but still facing the above error. […]

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