Sometimes we are able to log into the WHM but unable to log into the server with the default port 22. In such situations, you can follow the steps below to reset the server port to default 22 from WHM. […]
Posts by cmab:

Webmail Shows Plesk Default Page
No of reasons can cause this to occur. Webmail is not selected for the domain. The webmail is selected, but the bindings didn’t get set correctly in IIS. There can be an upgrade to the webmail/mail software. […]

Install Cloud Linux on cPanel server
To install Cloud Linux on cPanel serve,Follow the steps below. Installing Cloud Linux : wget sh cldeploy -k <activation_key> # if you have activation key or sh cldeploy -i # if you have IP based license reboot Installing CageFS and PHP selector : To run this make sure there is more than 15gb free on shared server. […]
How to find Serial Number on Linux server
To find the serial number on Linux machine ,Just fire the command below. root@server03 seemab]# dmidecode -t 1 You will get the results below. # dmidecode 2.12 SMBIOS 2.4 present. Handle 0x0001, DMI type 1, 27 bytes System Information Manufacturer: VMware, Inc. Product Name: VMware Virtual Platform Version: None Serial Number: VMware-56 4d 9e 27 […]

Install and Configure phpMyAdmin on CentOS
In this post, we will guide how to install and configure phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 6.x VPS. The procedure should be fairly similar for other versions. Step 1: Turn on EPEL repo : phpMyAdmin package is not included in default RHEL / CentOS repositories. So turn on EPEL repo as follows: […]
How to find Windows uptime
In order to find up time on windows server, do the steps given below. 1. Go to “Start” -> “Run”. 2. Write “CMD” and press on “Enter” key. 3. Write the command “net statistics server” or “net stats srv” and press on “Enter” key. 4. The line that start with “Statistics since …” provides the time […]
How to access Plesk database in Windows
To Login to MySQL psa database using the plesk administrator password, use the command below. cd %plesk_dir%\Mysql\bin mysql -uadmin -p -P 8306 psa It will ask for the password, you can give the password which you use to login into Plesk admin. […]
How to change permission of all files and folders at once
To set permission of all files on the server to 644 & folders to 755 is quite simple. To change the permissions of all folders to 755 you can use the command below : find ./ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 To change the permissions of all files to 644 you can […]
How to manage Large Virtfs folder
Sometimes we noticed that on our cPanel server /home/virtfs folder takes lot of space, Actually it doesn’t uses space those are just links to the original files. […]
How to find and delete core files on server
To find and delete core files on server run the command: find . -name core.[0-9]* -exec rm -vf {} \; If you just want to find core files and not delete them, then you can use the command below. find . -name core.[0-9]* Done. […]