Sometimes you may need to create network bridge adapter in Linux; specially during the settings of KVM (Kernel-based virtual Machine), and, also while setting up Linux system bins. […]
Posts by cmab:
How to Setup Network Interface on Ubuntu, Debian & LinuxMint
Just after the installation, you must configure network in order to access your system from outside. Most of operating systems provides instructions or options to setup network interface using command line. […]
How to install ghost on your VPS
Ghost is a powerful free blogging script based on Node.js. Its Just a blogging platform. It is a beautifully designed, completely customizable and absolutely Open Source blogging platform exists only with one purpose, posting. […]

Easy way to install Node.JS on CentOS
Node.js is a Javascript programming platform that allows users to build network applications very easily. Many developers want to build applications and libraries using JavaScript (server-side and client-side). […]
Install Adminer on a CentOS VPS
Adminer is a database management tool published in PHP. It is similar to phpMyAdmin and it is designed to increase protection, consumer experience, efficiency etc. […]

Simple way to install Xcache from source code
We all were faced website page load time issue while browsing high traffic websites mostly. Solution is caching the already executed files and uses them when we recall the same again from browser. […]

How to disable phpinfo(); in a shared hosting
Some server administrators may choose to disable the PHP function phpinfo() for security purposes, because it shows information which can be used to compromise the server that your site is operating on. […]

How to install and Setup php-pear mail on CentOS or RHEL
PEAR::Mail is one from php classes/components and it provides advanced interfaces to PHP applications and programs for sending emails. […]
cPanel Default email account’s disk space usage not updating
One of our client cPanel Default email account’s disk space usage was not updating and having issue with disk space usage on his account, […]

How to enable allow_url_fopen, allow_url_include on a shared server using custom php.ini
If you want to enable/disable the php functions like allow_url_include and allow_url_fopen, You can simply do it by editing the php configuration file. […]