Setting the correct timezone for PHP is essential to ensure accurate timestamps, logging, and date handling on your server. Follow these simple steps to set the PHP timezone on your cPanel/WHM server. Steps to Change the PHP Timezone: 1. Access the Server via SSH Log into your server using SSH: ssh root@your-server-ip 2. Edit the […]
Posts by abad:
Automatically Clear Old /tmp Files in Linux cPanel/WHM
Introduction: Temporary files support system processes but can accumulate and waste disk space. Regular cleanup is key for optimal Linux system performance. Locate Temporary Files: Check common directories like /tmp or /var/tmp to identify files for cleanup. Delete Old Temporary Files: Run this command in the terminal to remove files older than a specific number […]
How to Add SPF Record to All account on a cPanel/WHM Server
Introduction This guide explains how to change SPF records for all domains on a server. This can be helpful when adding a new IP address or remote mail server to existing records. Here’s how to update SPF records for all domains on your server: This command adds an SPF record entry for example.domain.tld to […]
How to Upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or CloudLinux 8 Using cPanel ELevate
Important Note: Upgrading the operating system (OS) can lead to data loss or significant system failures. It is crucial to back up all data and store the backups off-server before initiating the upgrade process. Known cPanel ELevate Blockers Before starting, verify and resolve all blockers that may impede the upgrade process. Step 1: Backup Your […]