How to upgrade csf to latest version

To upgrade CSF to latest version, use the below steps.

First of all use the below command to check the current CSF version:

csf –v

Now Use the below command to upgrade the CSF to latest stable version, It will take little bit time and make changes to all the CSF files which is involved in upgradation and finally LFD will restart.

csf -u
Upgrading csf from v7.07 to 8.08...
Retrieving new csf package...

Unpacking new csf package...

Selecting installer...

Running csf cPanel installer

Installing csf and lfd

Check we're running as root

Checking Perl modules...mode of `' changed to 0700 (rwx------)
Using configuration defaults
Stopping lfd:                                              [  OK  ]
Starting lfd:                                              [  OK  ]

...All done.

After upgrading the CSF, Use the same command to  check the upgraded version.

root@server [~]# csf -v
csf: v8.08 (cPanel)

Done!! Please stay tune with us….Good Luck.