Performance tuning script for MySQL – Mysql Tuner

MySQLTuner is a Perl script that analyzes your MySQL performance and, based on the statistics it gathers. MySQL has a lot of variables in its settings. We can modify and set factors to our specifications on our server.

A lot of methods and shell scripts are available for tuning your MySQL server. That way, you can tune your my.cnf file to get the every bit of performance from your MySQL server and make it work more effectively.

Today I will explain the installation and usage of performance tuning script for tuning the MySQL.

This performance tuning shell script will help you to optimize your MySQL on a cpanel server having huge traffic.

Installation steps:

The MySQL tuner has simple installation steps.

Step- 1 : SSH to your server as root user.
Step- 2 : wget the latest version.

wget --no-check-certificate

Step- 3 : Change the file permission as executable.

chmod 755
chmod +x

Step-4 : Execute the script.



That’s all  you have to do, If you are facing problem with  PHP Modules which are Not Loading Properly On CloudLinux . I have write about it in my previous article please check that and also give your opinion below if you experience any issues or to discuss your ideas and experiences.