How to Upgrade the CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8 Using cPanel ELevate

Important Note: Upgrading the operating system (OS) can lead to data loss or significant system failures. It is crucial to back up all data and store the backups off-server before initiating the upgrade process.

Known cPanel ELevate Blockers

Before starting, verify and resolve all blockers that may impede the upgrade process.

Step 1: Backup Your Accounts

Ensure all accounts and data are backed up securely.

Step 2: Access the Server’s Command Line

Log in as the ‘root’ user via SSH.

Step 3: Update Packages

Run the following command to update any out-of-date packages.


yum update

Step 4: Update cPanel

RUN following command the cPanel update script.



Step 5: Reboot the Server

Restart the server to apply the updates.


shutdown -r now


Step 6: Re-Access the Server’s Command Line

After the server reboots, log back in as the ‘root’ user via SSH.

Step 7: Download the cPanel ELevate Script

Download and set permissions for the cPanel ELevate script.

wget -O /scripts/elevate-cpanel chmod 700 /scripts/elevate-cpanel

Step 8: Check for Upgrade Blockers

Run the script to check for any upgrade blockers.


/scripts/elevate-cpanel –check

If all the issues are resolved you can run the following command to start te upgrade process.

 /scripts/elevatecpanel –start

The upgrade process takes approximately 90 minutes and involves multiple reboots. Some reboots may take longer than usual. It is crucial not to interrupt the upgrade process.

Step 12: Check the Upgrade Status

You can check the current status of the upgrade by running the following commands.

/scripts/elevate-cpanel –status


Following these steps, you can upgrade from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8 or from CloudLinux 7 to CloudLinux 8 using cPanel ELevate.