In this article we will guide you through the installation of ClamAV on CentOS.
Install CalmAV:
To install require ClamAV packages,Use the command below:
yum install clamav clamd
Start the clamd service and set it to auto-start
/etc/init.d/clamd on chkconfig clamd on /etc/init.d/clamd start
Configure Daily Scan:
In this example, we will configure a cronjob to scan the /home/ directory every day:
To create cron file:
vim /etc/cron.daily/manual_clamscan
Add the following to the file above. Make sure to change SCAN_DIR to the directory that you want to scan:
#!/bin/bash SCAN_DIR="/home" LOG_FILE="/var/log/clamav/manual_clamscan.log" /usr/bin/clamscan -i -r $SCAN_DIR >> $LOG_FILE
Give your cron script executable permissions:
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/manual_clamscan
Done! That should be the minimum required to install ClamAV and also to scan the server using ClamAV.
Some Useful Commands to Scan server using ClamAV:
To check files in the all users home directories:
# clamscan -r /home
To check files in the USER home directory and move infected files to another folder:
# clamscan -r --move=/home/USER/VIRUS /home/USER
To check files in the USER home directory and remove infected files (WARNING: Files are deleted permanently)
# clamscan -r --remove /home/USER
To see more options:
# clamscan --help
[wpfmb type=’info’ theme=2]If your ClamAV scan process hangs,You can check our article on this ClamAV problem.[/wpfmb]