SSH into your Plesk machine as “root” and go to the conf directory for the domain. Create a “vhost.conf” file in: /var/www/vhosts/<domain name>/conf/ [wpfmb type=’success’ theme=2]<Directory /var/www/vhosts/<domain name>/httpdocs> php_admin_value safe_mode on php_admin_value open_basedir none </Directory>[/wpfmb] Rebuild the domain configs for the particular host via::– /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng -u –vhost-name=<domain name> or rebuild all via : /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/websrvmng -a […]
Category: Plesk
A message with the following attributes was not delivered because it contains an object which cannot be checked by antivirus. Relaying such messages is blocked by administrator.
Getting the below delivery failure message while trying to send emails to plesk server with drweb enabled. [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]A message with the following attributes was not delivered because it contains an object which cannot be checked by antivirus. Relaying such messages is blocked by administrator.[/wpfmb] To resolve this error: /etc/init.d/drwebd restart If that doesn’t […]
How to run backup on plesk 10+ servers
To run backup on Plesk servers do the following: cd /usr/local/psa/bin/ ./pleskbackup –help TO TAKE BACKUP SERVER WIDE : ./pleskbackup server -vv TAKE BACKUP FOR SINGLE DOMAIN : ./pleskbackup domain-name […]
Plesk ERROR: PleskFatalException Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect. 0: common_func.php
Sometimes we may face the error while trying to access the Plesk control panel: ERROR: PleskFatalException Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect. 0: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/common_func.php3:190 psaerror(string ‘Unable to connect to database: saved admin password is incorrect.’) 1: /usr/local/psa/admin/auto_prepend/auth.php3:93 Usually this error comes because because the password in the file /etc/psa/.psa.shadow used to access […]
HTTP Error 401.3 – Unauthorized Error In Plesk
Starting from Windows plesk 7 till plesk 11 one of the most repeating issue that a hoster will often face is HTTP Error 401.3 – Unauthorized Error You do not have permission to view this directory or page because of the access control list (ACL) configuration or encryption settings for this resource on the Web […]
Handling “access to path is denied” errors in IIS / Plesk
Error: Access to the path ‘C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\ProductImages\Matrimonial_Grooms_nothing_8FE9D5F472.jpg’ is denied There can be many reasons for “Error: access to path is denied” but the most common one is the directory where you are trying to upload do not have write permissions. Make sure the folder where you are trying to upload files have the necessary rights to […]
Stopping Spam from Windows Plesk – Ultimate Checklist
Here is my comprehensive check list of configurations and best practices to stop spam on MailEnable mail server over Plesk, I will keep adding any thing that i find. If you feel some thing missing here, please share in comments. Enable SMTP Authentication Limit outgoing mails per domain Only relay for authenticated senders Make sure […]
Plesk Error: “The domain is still suspended for the following reason: Domain is expired”
If your web page is offline and when try to unsuspend through the Plesk control panel you may be receiving the following message by email: [box style=’error’] Error: The subscription is still suspended due to the following reason: The subscription is suspended because its subscriber was suspended. [/box] This happens because the domain was set to […]
How to recover canceled subscription
Some of our server still run on Plesk version 10.4.I am writing today about “how to restore a canceled subscription”. The chance to re-activate the canceled subscription relies on the current status. There are two possibilities. If subscription status is Terminated/Removed or Canceled/Removed, there is no way to recover it. As in this case it […]
How to test mail from windows command prompt (cmd)
Some times we have to see how a remote mail server responding to SMTP connection from our Plesk server. Yes! logs are always there to see whats going on, but using telnet seems very handy to me. It takes less time than scanning logs and lets use of mouse too Lets use as example […]