Error login to cpanel

Error: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Unable to understand response from admin binary: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/resellerwrap sent: [SORTEDRESELLERSUSERS xdollarx] received:[There was an error setting gids: 1 (Operation not permitted) ] error:[] at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 195. Cpanel::AdminBin::adminfetch(‘reseller’, ‘ARRAY(0x9e32cb8)’, ‘SORTEDRESELLERSUSERS’, ‘storable’, ‘xdollarx’) called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 28 Cpanel::Resellers::Resellers_accountlistopt(”) called at (eval 62) line 1 eval ‘Cpanel::Resellers::Resellers_accountlistopt(@{$argref});’ called at cpanel line 918 main::real_exectag(‘<cpanel […]

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Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/

When trying to add the email forwarder in cPanel we get the following error : [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Fatal! Write Failure :/etc/valiases/[sub.whmmainhost.tld]. Ignore any messages of success this can only result in failure![/wpfmb] That means the ownership and/or permissions set on the file “/etc/valiases/DOMAIN.tld” are incorrect. cd /etc/valiases/ chown USERNAME:mail /etc/valiases/DOMAIN.tld OR, ssh to the server and […]

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Connecting to Remote Server Failed: Unable to connect to IP:PORT: Bad file descriptor

When we try to transfer domains using WHM transfer we are getting the following error: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]Connecting to Remote Server Failed: Unable to connect to IP:PORT: Bad file descriptor[/wpfmb] To resolve this error: Disable firewalls on both servers especially on destination server and try to connect again. […]

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WordPress asks ftp password on any upgrade or install

To avoid wordpress asking for FTP Username and Password for any upgrade do the following : Login to your Cpanel Go to your File Manager Open wp-config.php and insert the following lines: define(‘FTP_USER’, ‘username’); define(‘FTP_PASS’, ‘password’); define(‘FTP_HOST’, ‘′); [wpfmb type=’info’ theme=2]If you want to import blogger site into WordPress you can check simple steps on […]

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ERROR: This RRD was created on another architecture

You will get this error during cPanel account transfer time or with cPanel package account script. [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2] Copying Bandwidth Data……[username]-all-rate.rrd….[username]-imap.rrd….[username]-http-peak.rrd..ERROR: This RRD was created on another architecture[/wpfmb] To fix this issue do the following bash script: #!/bin/bash cd /var/cpanel/bandwidth for i in `/bin/ls *.rrd` do /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/rrdtool dump $i > $i.xml /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/rrdtool restore -f […]

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