To check if SSL is working fine on a site use the following php code on a test file and check it with https. <?php if($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]){ echo ‘You have initiated an SSL connection. You are secured’; }else{ echo ‘You have initiated a NON-SSL connection. You are not secured’; } ?> If SSL is working fine, […]
Posts by seemab:
Rvsite builder license issues
Sometimes we are facing license related issues even after updating license for rvsite in the server, To test the license run: /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/www/ionctestlicense.php To update license run the following: /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/updatelicense.php This will help to resolve the error no need to reinstall rvsitebuilder. […]
Exclude accounts or files from cpbackup
There are two files in cPanel that will help to exclude files or accounts from cpbackups. To exclude a user in the server from cPanel backup, add the user to the file: […]
Icons not displaying in cpanel
If icons not displaying in cPanel, run script : /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_sprites […]
Redirect site without changing url
To redirect site without changing url add the following code to index.php or index.html file: [wpfmb type=’info’ theme=2]<FRAMESET ROWS=”*,0″ FRAMEBORDER=0 BORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0> <FRAME SRC=”http://www.YOURNAME.COM/” NORESIZE> </FRAMESET>[/wpfmb] […]
FTP connection problem
Sometimes while accessing FTP you receive following error: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]error: 14:15:20 Response: 421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server. 14:15:20 Error: Could not connect to server[/wpfmb] In order to solve above problem follow the steps: 1) Login to WHM with root user. 2) Go To : Service Configuration >> FTP Server […]
Getting cpanel/whm default page for all the domains
It might happens you start getting cpanel/whm default page for all the domains. Follow the steps in order to resolve the issue: Run following command: Option 1: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update This command helps to restores the missing alias in the userdata and merge it with your existing data. /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf This command helps to builds the httpd.conf against the […]
Enable “Update Now” in Awstats
In order to enable “Update Now” in Awstats in cPanel follow the below steps: Login to server via SSH You need to edit the domain awstats conf (awstats.domainName.conf) file: cd /home/username/tmp/awstats Search for the “AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser”,in the conf file. (The default value of AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser will be 0) grep AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser It should be set to AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1 […]
Changing ownership of a symlink
While changing the ownership for the symlink,We use the following command: chown -R user.user link_path It sometimes will not allow you to change the ownership of the symlink. Use following command in order to change the ownership for a symbolic link chown -h user.user link_path Now you can change the ownership of a symbolic link. […]
How to check server configuration files through command line.
Following commands can be use to check the syntax of the configuration files of different services: 1) To check the syntax of APACHE: httpd -t In order to check the syntax of virtualhost: httpd -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS 2)To check syntax for DNS: a) checking syntax errors in the main configuration file.. named-checkconf main-config-file main-config-file : […]