While accessing the Plesk control panel, you may get an error message as follows: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]StatInfo->getProductVersion failed: Plesk version file doesn’t exist or empty[/wpfmb] This error is mostly caused due to a failed Plesk upgrade OR by removing/installing some Plesk modules. To fix the issue do the following: First, check the Plesk version installed on […]
Posts by seemab:
Plesk error phpMyAdmin file not found while exporting database
If you get the following error while exporting database, you can follow the steps below: [wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]phpMyAdmin file not found can’t find the file at https://xx.xx.xx.xx:8443/domains/databases/phpMyAdmin/export.php.[/wpfmb] Some times the memory limit for php is too low for performing this operation. So we need to increase the memory_limit. For that go to: /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/ Edit the php.ini […]
How to add DNS records on Plesk panel:
You can add DNS records on your Plesk panel by following the steps below, Login to your Plesk Panel using the URL https://yourdomain.com:8443 and click on “Domains” to list them. […]
Find Spamming Account in Postfix or Plesk
This following commands sorted a list of the accounts those have the most mail in the queue: mailq|grep ^[A-F0-9]|cut -c 42-80|sort |uniq -c|sort -n|tail grep “status=sent” /var/log/maillog |cut -d “=” -f 2 |cut -d “>” -f 1 |cut -d “<” -f 2 |sort -n |uniq -c grep “dovecot” /var/log/maillog |grep “Aborted login” |cut -d “,” […]
How to Add spf Record in cPanel
To add spf record in cPanel, Go to the option “Email Authentication” under the section “mail” within cPanel. We can now enable SPF protection by clicking the “Enable” button under the SPF. Now the basic SPF record will be setup for our domain. Also we can edit the advanced SPF settings below the enable option. […]
Unable to login to FTP Windows server plesk
If you are unable to login to FTP in windows server using plesk panel.Use the following steps for troubleshooting. ftp cpanelplesk.com Connected to cpanelplesk.com. 220 Microsoft FTP Service User (cpanelplesk.com:(none)): admin 331 Password required for admin. Password: 530-User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. Win32 error: Access is denied. Error details: Authorization rules denied the access. […]
Find Spammer on Plesk Server
Follow these steps to check if emails are being send from a compromised account. If there are too many emails send from specific email id its compromised: […]
How to edit website codes from cPanel
We can edit any codes of our website using cPanel > File manager. Mostly for editing the website files the best way is to use file manager. You can do this by following the steps below: […]
scp with port number
SCP command is used to copy files between servers in secure way. The basic syntax of the SCP command is as follows: scp source_file_name username@destination_host:destination_folder This command will copy the file from local to the remote server location. scp user@remote_host:/source_file_name /destination_folder The above command will copy the file from remote server to local. You can use […]
How To Upgrade Mysql On Cpanel Server
To upgrade MySQL select the MySQL version you want to install from WHM > Tweak Settings. Then login via shell and run below command : /scripts/mysqlup –force Once the installation is complete , check MySQL version and then compile php/apache so that it can load new libraries by using below command : /scripts/easyapache You may select modules and […]