One awesome element PrestaShop has is to allow the sale of virtual items. These are downloadable things, for example, ebooks, videos, audio files, softwares, and so on. These files can be small or large in size, depends upon the nature of the document.
While including a virtual item in PrestaShop, there may be issues when the file is more than 10MB. The issue shows as a missing file error like the one below:
[wpfmb type=’error’ theme=2]This file “blogfile.txt” is missing:
Server file name : 9a98f2108138018a56bdcd32f83c8bd264da2256[/wpfmb]
How to increase the upload file limit in PrestaShop
- Sign into your cPanel dashboard.
- Within the dashboard, click on the File Manager.
- Once in the File Manager explore to the root folder for your PrestaShop store, The root folder ought to be public_html.
- Once in the root folder, you will see the PrestaShop document structure. Double click on the classes folder to open it.
- Look through the records and find the Uploader.php file. Open it for editing.
- When open search for the setting “const DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 10485760;”. The setting is set in bytes, so 10485760 bytes is 10MB, update it to soem higher value.
- After you edit the setting, click on the Save Changes button in the upper right corner to save and activate the change. You may now upload the file successfully.