How To Install PIP on Linux

Pip is a tool of managing Python packages which is used to install and manage software packages develop in Python.
Pip is the same tool like the bundle, npm, composer in another programming language.

Step 1 – Install PIP on CentOS

There are two methods to install PIP, both methods am explaining below.

Install pip using easy_install

Easy Install is a python module available with setuptools. This is also used to manage, download, build, and install python modules.

easy_install pip

Install pip using python script

We can also use pip installation script. Download the script on your using wget or curl, then run the script with appropriate python version for which you need to install pip.

$ curl "" -o ""

$ python
$ python3 # For specific python version

Step 2 – Verify Installation

Check the install version of pip on your system using -V command line switch.

$ pip -V
$ pip3 -V # For specific python version

To view a list of helpful commands.

$ pip --help

Step 3 – Installing Packages with PIP

Pip provides a simple command to install or uninstall packages on your system. Use following command to install any packages on your system.

$ pip install package-name

Also, you can easily uninstall the package:

pip uninstall package-name

Install PIP on Ubuntu 14.04

Step 1: Update repository list

Update your repository list to make sure the uniterrupted installation:

apt-get update

Step 2: Install Pip

After you have updated the repository list, you can install Pip using apt-get:

apt-get install python-pip

Step 3: Confirm installation

Now to confirm Pip successfull installation, executing following command. If you see a version printed on the screen, the installation will be successful.

$ pip -V
$ pip3 -V # For specific python version