Unable to login to FTP Windows server plesk

If you are unable to login to FTP in windows server using plesk panel.Use the following steps for troubleshooting. ftp cpanelplesk.com Connected to cpanelplesk.com. 220 Microsoft FTP Service User (cpanelplesk.com:(none)): admin 331 Password required for admin. Password: 530-User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible. Win32 error: Access is denied. Error details: Authorization rules denied the access. […]

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scp with port number

SCP command is used to copy files between servers in secure way. The basic syntax of the SCP command is as follows: scp source_file_name username@destination_host:destination_folder This command will copy the file from local to the remote server location. scp user@remote_host:/source_file_name /destination_folder The above command will copy the file from remote server to local. You can use […]

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